A limb apart
52 min | Martin Ducros | 2015
YUZU Productions, France 3 Aquitaine, with the support of the Midi Pyrénées and Aquitaine regions, with the support of
Procirep / Angoa.
International sales:
Jérôme has made his decision: he is going to have his right leg amputated. For 20 years after an accident, he suffered and felt more and more handicapped; he hopes to become valid again on one. "A limb apart" plunges us into full introspection on the world of disability. How to decide and live such a choice? How to fight against his anxiety and endure that of those around him in the face of this irreversible act? How to accept the idea of difference and the looks of others? So many questions dealt with in this film in total immersion for two years, before, during and after the operation. A filmic approach wanted by Jérôme, as if to better help him and help others so that the difference is no longer a source of handicap but a force of life.
Festivals : Festival ImagéSanté, Liège, Belgique 2016, Festival du Film d’Action Sociale de l’IRTS de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 2016