Ready, Steady, Read!
10x26 min | Charles Castella - Christian Popp - Alice de Poncheville | 2020
Production: YUZU Productions, ARTE GEIE, Réseau Canopé, École Estienne,
with the participation of TV5 Monde, ARTE Education and the support of CNC
Are you up for a good read? If not, we’ll change that. In a playful and joyful way. Promised! In a whirl of words, stories and images. For teenagers and not only for them. To read, to write, to enjoy. Here is READY, STEADY, READ! Documentary collection. Literature playground 10 x 26 minutes Made with 21 teenagers.
Each episode is made of three parts seamlessly linked:
For the first part we asked 10 children to read 10 books, classics of world literature, and tell us the stories. Eventually we have their tales animated by students of Paris’ famous Ecole Estienne Design School.
The second part of the show is about the habit of reading. We realized while exploring with the kids how they read, that part of the reluctance to grab a book has a lot to do with patterns imposed by grown ups. Who is choosing what teenagers are supposed to read, when and how? To foster a dialogue between adults and children, we teamed up with two teenagers and joined them while they are interviewing grown-ups about reading.
And finally, we asked two kids for each episode to imagine a story, with a theme as a starting point. They had a secretary who helped them focus on dramaturgy and characters and who wrote down their ideas. The writing process and the final story are enhanced in the editing with a mash up of archives used in a creative way.